ECSS Board Members & Committees

Ferrauti, Alexander

ECSS President
Ruhr University Bochum, Department of Training & Exercise Science / GERMANY

Thompson, Janice

President Elect
The University of Birmingham, School of Sport, Exercise and Rehabilitation Sciences / UNITED KINGDOM

Helge, Jørn Wulff

Past President
University of Copenhagen, Biomedical Sciences / DENMARK

Jones, Andrew

Executive Board Member
Exeter University, Sport and Health Sciences / UNITED KINGDOM

Grimminger-Seidensticker, Elke

Executive Board Member
University of Paderborn, Department of Sport and Health / GERMANY

Raastad, Truls

Executive Board Member
Norwegian School of Sport Sciences, Department of Physical Performance / NORWAY

Piacentini, Maria Francesca

Chair Scientific Board
University of Rome-Foro Italico, Movement, Human and Health Sciences / ITALY

Gruber, Markus

Co-Chair Scientific Board
University of Konstanz, Department of Sport Science / GERMANY

Bertollo, Maurizio

Scientific Board Member
University G. d'Annunzio of Chieti-Pescara, Medicine and Aging Sciences / ITALY

Burniston, Jatin

Scientific Board Member
Liverpool John Moores University, Research Institute for Sport and Exercise Sciences / UNITED KINGDOM

Cable, Tim

Scientific Board Member
Manchester Metropolitan University, Institute of Sport / UNITED KINGDOM

Couppé, Christian

Scientific Board Member
University of Copenhagen, Institute of Clinical Medicine, Copenhagen / DENMARK

Elbe, Anne-Marie

Scientific Board Member
Leipzig University, Sport Psychology / GERMANY

Federolf, Peter

Scientific Board Member
University of Innsbruck, Department of Sport Sciences / AUSTRIA

González-Alonso, José

Scientific Board Member
Brunel University London, Sport, Health and Exercise Sciences, Dept Life Sciences, / UNITED KINGDOM

Guadalupe Grau, Amelia

Scientific Board Member
Castilla-La Mancha University, Physical Activity and Sports Sciences / SPAIN

Lamberts, Robert

Scientific Board Member
Stellenbosch University, Division of Movement Science and Exercise Therapy (MSET) / SOUTH AFRICA

Seynnes, Olivier

Scientific Board Member
Norwegian School of Sport Sciences, Department of physical performance / NORWAY

Van Lieshout, Johannes

Scientific Board Member
Lab Clin Cardiovasc Physiol, Heart Failure Research Centre Amsterdam, Department of Internal Medicine, Academic Medical Centre / NETHERLANDS

Aagaard, Per

Scientific Committee Member
University of Southern Denmark, Dept Sports Science and Clinical Biomechanics / DENMARK

Ara, Ignacio

Scientific Committee Member
University of Castilla-La Mancha, Physical Activity and Sport Sciences / SPAIN

Breen, Leigh

Scientific Committee Member
University of Birmingham, School of Sport, Exercise and Rehabilitation Sciences / UNITED KINGDOM

Coutts, Aaron

Scientific Committee Member
University of Technology, Sydney (UTS), Sport & Exercise Discipline Group, UTS: Health / AUSTRALIA

Fenton, Sally

Scientific Committee Member
University of Birmingham, School of Sport, Exercise and Rehabilitation Sciences / UNITED KINGDOM

George, Keith

Scientific Committee Member
Liverpool John Moores University, Sport and Exercise Science / UNITED KINGDOM

Lane, Andrew

Scientific Committee Member
University of Wolverhampton, Institute of Sport / UNITED KINGDOM

Lemyre, Pierre-Nicolas

Scientific Committee Member
Norwegian School of Sport Sciences, / CANADA

Marusic, Uros

Scientific Committee Member
Science and Research Centre Koper, Institute for Kinesiology Research / SLOVENIA

Nagatomi, Ryoichi

Scientific Committee Member
Tohoku University, Graduate School of Biomedical Engineering / JAPAN

Pareja Blanco, Fernando

Scientific Committee Member
University Pablo de Olavide, Sport and Informatic / SPAIN

Reihmane, Dace

Scientific Committee Member
Riga Stradiņš University, Department of Human physiology and biochemistry / LATVIA

Ritzmann, Ramona

Scientific Committee Member
Department of Sport Science, Biomechanics / GERMANY

Roelands, Bart

Scientific Committee Member
Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Human Physiology and Sports Medicine / BELGIUM

Taube, Wolfgang

Scientific Committee Member
University of Freiburg, Department of Medicine, Movement and Sport Science / SWITZERLAND

Verdijk, Lex

Scientific Committee Member
Maastricht University Medical Centre, Human Biology / NETHERLANDS

Vogt, Tobias

Scientific Committee Member
German Sport University, Institute of Professional Sport Education and Sport Qualifications / GERMANY

Alcazar, Julian

Reviewing Panel Member
University of Castilla-La Mancha, Faculty of Sports Science / SPAIN

Bailey, Stephen

Reviewing Panel Member
Loughborough University, School of Sport, Exercise and Health Sciences / UNITED KINGDOM

Ball, Nick

Reviewing Panel Member
University of Canberra, Sport and Exercise Science / AUSTRALIA

Baltzopoulos , Bill

Reviewing Panel Member
Liverpool John Moores University, Research Institute for Sport and Exercise Sciences (RISES) / UNITED KINGDOM

Beato, Marco

Reviewing Panel Member
University of Suffolk, School of Health and Sports Science / UNITED KINGDOM

Bogdanis, Gregory

Reviewing Panel Member
National & Kapodistrian University of Athens, School of Physical Education and Sport Science / GREECE

Bonato, Matteo

Reviewing Panel Member
Università degli Studi di Milano, Department of Biomedical Sciences for Health / ITALY

Burrmann, Ulrike

Reviewing Panel Member
HU Berlin, Sport Sciences / GERMANY

Cronin, Neil

Reviewing Panel Member
University of Jyväskylä, Faculty of Sport & Health Sciences / FINLAND

Franchi, Martino

Reviewing Panel Member
University of Padova, Institute of Physiology, Department of Biomedical Sciences / ITALY

Gaffney, Christopher

Reviewing Panel Member
Lancaster University, Lancaster Medical School / UNITED KINGDOM

Gehring, Dominic

Reviewing Panel Member
University of Freiburg, Department of Sport and Sport Science / GERMANY

Green, Daniel

Reviewing Panel Member
The University of Western Australia, School of Human Sciences (Sports and Exercise Science) / AUSTRALIA

Grospretre, Sidney

Reviewing Panel Member
C3S - EA4660, Sport Faculty / FRANCE

Hansen, Mette

Reviewing Panel Member
Aarhus University, Department of Public Health / DENMARK

Heinonen, Ilkka

Reviewing Panel Member
Turku PET Centre & Univ. of Turku, Dept. of Clinical Physiology and Nuclear Medicine / FINLAND

Jonvik, Kristin

Reviewing Panel Member
Norwegian School of Sport Sciences, Physical Performance / NORWAY

Jürimäe, Jaak

Reviewing Panel Member
University of Tartu, Institute of Sport Sciences and Physiotherapy / ESTONIA

Kippelen, Pascale

Reviewing Panel Member
Liverpool John Moores University, School of Sport and Exercise Sciences / UNITED KINGDOM

Lauber, Benedikt

Reviewing Panel Member
University of Fribourg, Department of Neurosciences and Movement Sciences / SWITZERLAND

Lindinger, Stefan Josef

Reviewing Panel Member
University of Gothenburg, Center f Health and Performance at the Dep. of Food, Nutrition and Sport Science / SWEDEN

McPhee, Jamie

Reviewing Panel Member
Manchester Metropolitan University, Sport and Exercise Science / UNITED KINGDOM

Möller, Fabian

Reviewing Panel Member
Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Aeronautics and Astronautics / UNITED STATES

Morales-Álamo, David

Reviewing Panel Member
Las Palmas University, Physical Education / SPAIN

Mougios, Vassilis

Reviewing Panel Member
Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Physical Education and Sport Science at Thessaloniki / GREECE

Rice, Hannah

Reviewing Panel Member
Norwegian School of Sports Sciences Department of Physical Performance: Norges i, Department of Physical Performance / NORWAY

Seyda, Miriam

Reviewing Panel Member
TU Dortmund, Institute of sport and sport science / GERMANY

Shaw, Christopher

Reviewing Panel Member
Deakin University, School of Exercise and Nutrition Sciences / AUSTRALIA

Sousa, Ana

Reviewing Panel Member
University of Maia, Research Centre in Sports Sciences, Health Sciences and Human Development-CIDESD / PORTUGAL

Stembridge, Mike

Reviewing Panel Member
Cardiff Metropolitan University, School of Sport / UNITED KINGDOM

Taylor, Ian

Reviewing Panel Member
Loughborough University, School of Sport, Exercise, & Health Sciences / UNITED KINGDOM

Helge, Jørn Wulff

Search Committee
University of Copenhagen, Biomedical Sciences / DENMARK

Müller, Erich

Search Committee
University of Salzburg, Sport Science and Kinesiology / AUSTRIA

Duda, Joan

Search Committee
University of Birmingham, School of Sport, Exercise and Rehabilitation Sciences / UNITED KINGDOM

Vanhatalo, Anni

EJSS Editor-in-Chief
University of Exeter, Sport and Health Sciences / UNITED KINGDOM

Hendricks, Sharief

EJSS Social Media Editor
University of Cape Town, Human Biology / SOUTH AFRICA

Helge, Jørn Wulff

Credentials, Awards & Tributes Committee
University of Copenhagen, Biomedical Sciences / DENMARK

Ferrauti, Alexander

Credentials, Awards & Tributes Committee
Ruhr University Bochum, Department of Training & Exercise Science / GERMANY

Piacentini, Maria Francesca

Credentials, Awards & Tributes Committee
University of Rome-Foro Italico, Movement, Human and Health Sciences / ITALY

Giel, Thomas

Managing Director
Email:; Phone: +49 221 9626 2771
European College of Sport Science, ECSS Office / GERMANY

Jacobi, Elena

Vice Managing Director
Email:; Phone: +49 221 9626 2771
European College of Sport Science, ECSS Office / GERMANY

Tsolakidis, Elias

Technical Director
Email:; Phone: +49 221 9626 2764
European College of Sport Science, ECSS Office / GREECE

García González, Pablo

Office Manager
Email:; Phone: +49 221 9626 2771
European College of Sport Science, ECSS Office / GERMANY

Puhe, Nicolas

Office Manager
Email:; Phone: + 49 221 9626 2771
European College of Sport Science, ECSS Office / GERMANY

Prashant, Vinisha

Communications Manager
Email:; Phone: + 49 221 9626 2771
European College of Sport Science, ECSS Office / GERMANY